Webinar: Teaching Music in an Age of Uncertainty
MTASA Webinar 4 (postponed from 2020): Join us for the discussion of Teaching Music in the Age of Covid with Catherine and Wendy.
MTASA Regularly host events to support you and your student.
Personal Development, Performance and Conference events are a regular occurrence for the MTASA.
We hold a variety of events throughout the year for members, and we offer members’ students opportunities to perform and compete.
MTASA Webinar 4 (postponed from 2020): Join us for the discussion of Teaching Music in the Age of Covid with Catherine and Wendy.
Rhythm Pedagogy Techniques: A Groove Based Approach to Teaching Music: Learn how to efficiently and effectively solve rhythmic timing issues in your students' playing and in your own. Have more fun in your lessons by enhancing your students' musical feel. Bio: Curtis Madigan is the Founder and CEO of Sound Formation. He's a music […]
MTASA Concert Performance Day is a friendly performance opportunity for music learners of all ages and levels. It is an opportunity for students to perform in a very friendly environment. There will be 3 sessions; 1:30, 3:00, 4:30 pm. Each students will take a report home. Bring your family and friends to come and listen […]
Entries for the 2021 Adelaide Eisteddfod will be via Stardom; go to http://www.stardom.com.au/. All of the participating competitions can be viewed from the Homepage. To enter a competition you will need to be registered to login. Visit the Adelaide Eisteddfod website at http://www.sacoment.com/aes/eisteddfod/ to read the General Rules and look for any news. Entries will […]
The Miriam Hyde Awards (Open & Junior) are open to students of MTASA members. The member must be the competitor’s principal teacher for the instrument. 1. The competition is open to Open: Students of any age Junior: Students of 15 years and under on the closing day of entry. 2. The Value of the Awards […]
The Balaklava Eisteddfod will be held from July 30 to August 1, 2021. Disciplines included are Instrumental Ensembles, Bands, Choirs, Vocal Ensembles, Vocal, Musical Theatre, Contemporary Vocal, Instrumental, Piano, Speech and Drama and the Finale Concert including adjudication of the ‘Adelaide Plains Male Voice Choir’ Vocal Scholarship. Entries will open on March 29. Visit http://www.balaklavaeisteddfod.org.au, […]
MTASA Concert Performance Day is a friendly performance opportunity for music learners of all ages and levels. It is an opportunity for students to perform in a very friendly environment. There will be 3 sessions; 1:30, 3:00, 4:30 pm. Each students will take a report home. Bring your family and friends to come and listen […]
Tax Matters for Music Teachers June 2022 Edition Your MTASA Treasurer, Samantha Penny is here to share insights and information to help you get your 2022 Tax Return prepared. In this webinar, you will learn about: Current Updates from the ATO Most Common Tax Deductions for Music Teachers and Where to Put Them Common Business […]
MTASA Concert Performance Day is a friendly performance opportunity for music learners of all ages and levels. It is an opportunity for students to perform in a very friendly environment. There will be 2 sessions; 3:00 & 4:30 pm. Each students will take a report home. Bring your family and friends to come and listen […]
GET TICKET To what extent is performance viewed by music students as a threat or a challenge? How to support optimal performance, mental health and wellbeing in music students. As we have learned through many years of neuroscience research, musical performance, as a multi sensory task, is one of the most complex challenges we can […]
Enrol Competitors HERE The Reimann-Robinson Scholarship is open to all instrumental/vocal students of any member of the MTASA who are teaching in a private capacity. Open to students who are 18 years or under on the closing day of entry to the Scholarship. The Norman Sellick Memorial Prize is open to all instrumental/vocal students of […]
GET TICKET A presentation focusing on developing firmer fingers alongside a rich sonority, coupled with a relaxed upper torso. This presentation will start by focusing on simple five-finger exercises which can be implemented into piano lessons in order to develop firmer fingers coupled with a loose flexible upper torso. These exercises can be utilised […]
MTASA Regularly host events to support you and your student.
Personal Development, Performance and Conference events are a regular occurrence for the MTASA.
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